Farms are agricultural hubs where crops are grown and animals are raised. Many farms are owned by private families, and some are used as farm sanctuaries to care for vulnerable animals. Fortunately, you don't have to be a farmer yourself to visit a farm sanctuary since many farm sanctuaries welcome guests. The following are four reasons to plan a trip to a family-run farm sanctuary.

Get back in touch with nature and its cycles

Everyone needs to eat, but many people are disconnected from the realities of where their food comes from. Grocery stores offer many fruits and vegetables year-round, which can foster a lack of awareness of the natural cycles of the earth. Fortunately, visiting a family farm can help you get back in touch with nature by witnessing the process of food production. Spending an afternoon or weekend close to the sun and soil can give you a greater appreciation for your food and the natural wonders of the earth.

Visit rescued animals

Farm sanctuaries are unique because they provide a refuge for animals that may otherwise have been slaughtered. Sick, injured animals are cared for at farm sanctuaries, as are animals rescued from hunters and slaughterhouses. Animal lovers can get the chance to spend time with rescued animals at a family farm sanctuary. If you're interested in becoming an activist for animal rights or adopting a vegetarian lifestyle, spending time up close and personal with rescued animals can help you make your decision.

Learn about the farming process

Farming is an art and science, but it's one that many people, especially those who live in the city, know little about. Farmers must know the right time to plant and harvest crops. They must also manage weeds and other pests and treat diseases that occur in their plants and animals. Visiting a family farm sanctuary can help you learn about the science and skill of farming. Some family farms even offer volunteer opportunities for visitors so you can have a hands-on experience tending to crops or caring for animals.

Support family farmers

Finally, visiting a family farm in your area is a great way to support small businesses run by family farmers. Small farms are good for the environment because they discourage monocropping and often utilize organic farming techniques. Family farm visitors can purchase locally grown fruits and vegetables to fill their pantries while also helping farmers in their local communities.

For more information, visit a farm sanctuary near you.
